The AGM of Glenbower Wood & Lake will take place in Killeagh Hall on Monday 29th January at 8 PM
Storm Babet Update
On 18th October Storm Babet caused a huge amount of damage across East Cork and West Waterford.
Glenbower Wood was badly affected, and the task now is to look at the best way to rebuild the network of bridges and trails in the wood so that all the community can enjoy the woods again.
In 2020/2021 we set up a gofundme page that raised approximately €5,000. For details on how that money was used, please read the Chairperson’s report here.
In order to help repair the damage done to the trails in the woods we have decided to open a new Gofundme page.
The purpose of the money raised will be to hire a contractor to replace the stone that was washed away from so many of the trails. Other work will involve clearing mudslides and general clearing of trails.
The bridges were installed by Cork County Council, and we are delighted that they have already lifted the bridges that were displaced out of the water. We hope to work with the Council to arrange for reinstatement of the bridges as soon as is practical.

One of the displaced bridges. As you can see, the bridges are extremely well made with high quality Reinforced Steel Joists as a base.

The site of the first bridge as you walk into the woods. This bridge was recently installed by Cork County Council. The Concrete blocks performed really well – they prevented any damage to the bank, and should make reinstallation of the bridge easier.

One of many instances of the trails being blocked by debris – either felled or washed up timber. Some of our volunteer members have already started work on clearing these trails.

By comparing the right and left sides of this image you can see just how much stone was washed away.

The small bridge here consisted of railway sleepers resting over what was a quiet stream. Some of the sleepers have been washed away. It will probably be necessary to buy a new set in order to safely reopen this section.

Here you can see just how far the erosion damaged the bank, as well as bringing down the tree on this bench. We are very fortunate that nobody was injured in the storm.

One of the displaced bridges. It looks like the floods brought significant amounts of debris, and it is this debris that knocked out the bridges.
Annual General Meeting
Agenda: Welcome and apologies
Chairspersons Address
Secretarys report
Treasures report
Election of committee
Election of Directors
Chairpersons report:
Welcome and I’d like to first thank all for attending.
The present committee was elected Feb 2021 and new members joined the group last year, Aidan Magner and Donal McCauliey, a warmest welcome to you both and more new members
are always welcome.
To give a brief history: Glenbower Wood & Lake Ltd was founded in the early 1990’s amid concerns for the future of Glenbower Wood following the draining of the lake in 1988. The group operates on a voluntary basic for the maintenance and upkeep of the wood for the use of the immediate community and those from further afield. This was no more obvious than throughout the covid-19 pandemic, when 5km restrictions were in force.
- Our aim is to continue the work of past committees and preserve the wood for future generations to come, with a long term goal of returning the lake to the Wood.
- A lot of the current directors are aged or have passed on and new directors will need to be decided at this AGM
- We have had a really successful year with the approval of grants allowing us to enhance the wood facilities and pathways.
- The GOFUNDME amount of €5,000 raised in 2020/2021 was used in part to apply and get approval for these grants.
- The Mill Race Path upgrade project funded through the Local Authorities Water Programme (Catherine Seale) was completed. The lower Mill Race path between the two carparks was re surfaced, with the work being done through voluntary time from committee members. Thanks to all involved and thanks to Majella and Kathleen for pursuing this application and a current application is in place to improve the path further along from the 2nd carpark upwards.
- The Metal Bridge turrets and side wall soldier course were repaired and rebuilt with the amazing craftsmanship of local builder Tony O’Callaghan using locally sourced stone, and a huge thanks to Tony as all this was voluntary time
- Thanks to Richard for pursuing this and getting it completed.
- The handrail by the 2nd carpark steps was upgraded to a metal one, thus
improving safety ascending/descending these steps. - The Communities Activities fund was apply for without success, but next year hopefully this will be approved and allow to fund running costs for the
committee. - Our success in gaining grant funding from Cork County Council and Youghal Urban District council facilitated one of the largest projects in the wood in possibly over 30 years. The upgrade/ replacement of three bridges is a massive boost and the addition of a new bridge over the old dam head opens up the walking loop, which had been closed off since the breaching of the dam in 1988. This project was completed with extreme efficiency, the installation only taking 5 days. Thanks to Anthony Kennelly Engineer on the project, the bridge builders, Cork County Council and particularly Richard for taking this project on from the start and seeing it through to completion.
- The addition of these bridges opens up the industrial archaeology located at the dam head, including the sluice gate head, salmon pass and old waterfall. This should form part of a new project to improve awareness of the history of the wood. New trailhead signs will also need to be added at the entrance to the
wood with information about walking routes etc. - A special thanks to the present committee for their dedication and persistence over the years in pursuing grants and on our recent success.
- John Murphy and SECAD continue to be of assistance in upkeep works, ie cutting grass.
- Angela, through SECAD also has been doing an amazing job keeping verges tidy and some
invasive species removal. - Members of the committee are currently removing invasive species within areas of the wood, and this will continue with follow up treatment. These invasive species include cherry laurel and rhododendron. Coilte are also operating a removal program.
- Coilte are currently carrying out a felling programme within the wood with the replacement species being native deciduous trees. This will allow the wood to develop back to its original
biodiverse stability over the next few decades. - Greywood continue to be of great support to the wood and in organising the May Sunday festival and keeping the ancient festival alive. Greywood are expanding and incorporating the wood into their programme of events. The May Sunday festival this year in 2022 was a great success
- The work on the Greenway between Midleton and Youghal is expected to be completed in 2023 and will be of a great asset to the area of Killeagh village and Glenbower Wood, bringing cyclists to Glenbower, whereby we hope to expand the path network in the Wood to allow for cyclist to
continue their experience in the area. Grant funding will be needed for this.
- The handrail by the 2nd carpark steps was upgraded to a metal one, thus
We have an amazing amenity on our doorstep, there are not many villages or communities with such freedom to roam and enjoy nature and we are lucky to have the beauty that is Glenbower Wood with such easy reach.
I’d finally like to thank everyone for their commitment and time, both past and present committee members and to welcome any new members and I look forward to working with everyone in the year ahead.
Paudrig Lee, Chairperson
Glenbower Wood & Lake Ltd 25 May 2022
Bridge and Signage Upgrades
We have recently received Grant Approval to upgrade the Wooden Bridges and signs within Glenbower Wood.
This is great news as the existing wooden bridges were beginning to get run-down.
This grant will allow us to put in three new bridges. Two will replace the existing timber bridges and one will be a totally new bridge that will cross the river at the site of the old dam. This will connect trailways to the east and west of the river, linking in with the waterfall bridge.
There are three separate bridge designs – click on the name to view a pdf of each design:
This trailway will bring walkers near the old sluicegate structure that was such an iconic part of Glenbower Lake.
The work is ready to go to tender, we’ll keep you posted, and hope to see these bridges in place as soon as possible.
Separately, you may have noticed that there are now a number of tree tags in place, where you can identify a number of different species of tree within Glenbower.
We plan to add these tagged trees to a tree trail.
Finally, we are working on the design of some new signage on trails around the wood. These signs will match in to the existing Coillte templates – they will enhance the visual appeal of the many different trails around the woods.

Family Fun Run
Fancy the idea of getting some fresh air once you have Christmas dinner out of the way?
There will be a family fun-run / walk in Glenbower Woods on Wednesday 27th December at 12PM.
This 5K run/walk is open to all ages and all abilities, and would be a great chance for families to get out and enjoy the beauty of Glenbower Wood while getting some fresh air.
Following the run, refreshments will be served in Greywood Arts Centre.
Cost of entry is €10 for an individual and €20 per family. All proceeds will be in aid of replacing the wooden bridge that was severely damaged by storm Ophelia.
(Follow the event on Facebook here)
Training For Community Voluteers
Topic 1 Strategic planning for community groups
Topic 2 How to prepare a funding application
Wednesday 2nd December 2015 – 7 to 8.30pm
Blarney Castle Hotel, Blarney
Topic 1 Is your group structure suitable for your needs?
Topic 2 Insurance considerations for community groups
Tuesday 26th January 2015 – 7 to 8.30pm
Ballincollig venue
For further information or to book a place on these workshops,
contact SECAD on 021 4613432 or
Heritage in the Woods
On August 22nd we had a great Heritage day in Glenbower Wood.
There were three events over the course of the day:
A Car-Boot Sale
A Guided Heritage Walk
We were blessed with the weather, and everyone who turned out had a great time.
For the Orienteering, there were two courses, One of 3 KM and one of 6.8 KM.
The results were:
For the 3 KM course
- Cormac O’Regan 51 minutes
- Cathal Fitzgibbon 42 minutes
- Andrea & Daniella Hurley 1:10 hours
- Ellie Walsh, Joe & Cal Cashman 52 minutes
For the Long Course:
- Dermot O’Sullivan 44 minutes
- Brian Murphy 1:04 hours
- Kate Walsh 1:51 hours
- Ali & Callaghan & Sarah Geaney 1:57 hours
- Helena Cogan 1:54 hours
Daniella Hurley Enjoying the Woods
Some happy people after completing the Orienteering
Some of the Stalls for the Car Boot Sale
Group enjoying the Heritage Talk given by Paudie Lee
Heritage Week Events in Glenbower Wood
As part of National Heritage Week a number of events will be held in Glenbower Wood on Saturday 22nd of August.
Car Boot Sale 10am – 3pm
Orienteering 1pm (long and short course)
Heritage Walk 2.30pm (starts at old mill)
This fundraiser will go towards the maintenance of the wood, so come along and PLEASE SUPPORT !!
Family Orienteering Day

On the June Bank Holiday Monday there will be an orienteering event on in the woods.
This will be an open event for competitors of all ages and ability.
Registration will be at 1 PM, and all you need to know will be explained there!
This will be a fundraiser for Glenbower Wood, and your support would be very welcome.
We would like to thank Bishopstown Orienteeering Club for organising this
There is no special gear needed, but just bring suitable footwear for a woodland walk!
More Cycling in the woods information
The section of Glenbower Wood closest to Killeagh village is under the ownership of a local group – Glenbower Wood & Lake. We maintain this site, and work to develop the section of the woods that is under our care.
There is a much larger part of the woods that extends northwards from the White Bridge, and this is under the control of Coillte.
As you know, we are looking at developing cycle trails in the wood, and that is the focus of our fundraiser on May Sunday.
Coillte, however, do have a strategy for cycle trails, and we have attached a copy of it. It is our hope that we will be able to work with Coillte and develop cycling as an activity for all in our beautiful wood
Coillte_Off_Road_Cycling_Strategy (Click to download the PDF file)