We have recently received Grant Approval to upgrade the Wooden Bridges and signs within Glenbower Wood.
This is great news as the existing wooden bridges were beginning to get run-down.
This grant will allow us to put in three new bridges. Two will replace the existing timber bridges and one will be a totally new bridge that will cross the river at the site of the old dam. This will connect trailways to the east and west of the river, linking in with the waterfall bridge.
There are three separate bridge designs – click on the name to view a pdf of each design:
This trailway will bring walkers near the old sluicegate structure that was such an iconic part of Glenbower Lake.
The work is ready to go to tender, we’ll keep you posted, and hope to see these bridges in place as soon as possible.
Separately, you may have noticed that there are now a number of tree tags in place, where you can identify a number of different species of tree within Glenbower.
We plan to add these tagged trees to a tree trail.
Finally, we are working on the design of some new signage on trails around the wood. These signs will match in to the existing Coillte templates – they will enhance the visual appeal of the many different trails around the woods.

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