The Lake


Over the years most people look back at the pleasure had in Glenbower Wood, whether it would be a leisurely stroll around the lake on a gentle summers evening with a loved one or an energetic calorie burning march to undo the excess of the Sunday Dinner. Some people used to sit and pass time by the lake watching the squirrels the bird life or the fish rising to a fly, or to watch the Salmon or Sea Trout leaping up the fish pass. Anyone who ever spent time in the wood became enchanted by its beauty and serenity, and everyone who had visited, had his or her own story to tell. If the truth were known many marriages were created by the wood as it was a favourite place for many a courting couple to stroll.

Unfortunately this beautiful parkland was devastated in 1989 when the dam was breached and the lake was drained on the grounds of public safety, leaving an unsightly bed of mud which has now become an unsightly wilderness with treacherous mud banks.

The Management Committee have been working hard for many years to keep this woodland park available to the general public, and all this has been financed by various local fund raising efforts.

The Lake

Glenbower Lake, a lake of approximately 6-7 acres, lay before the dam was breached manually in 1989, approximately ¾ of a mile N.W. of the village of Killeagh, within Glenbower Wood. The dam was constructed during the 1860’s, its original purpose was to provide a head of water to drive the waterwheel providing the energy for the now disused mills in the centre of the village. Prior to its destruction, the lake and its surrounds provided a valuable amenity area and beauty spot drawing people from many miles away. The lake was fed by the River Dissour which on leaving the lake then joins the Womanagh River before entering the Sea at the noted angling beach at Pilmore Strand. The river prior to the destruction of the dam was noted for its Sea Trout runs together with its share of Salmon. The existing fish pass ( built by the inland fisheries trust in 1958 ) of the dam appears to be quite functional and would require little to restore it to full working capacity.

A photo of Inland Fisheries and a paper cutting from 1958 restocking lake. 


Irish Fisheries Glenbower Lake restocking 1958

People in the photo are: 
L-R : Noel Hackett ( Inland Fisheries ) Paddy Hanifin, Harry Hogan, Seargent Boyd, Michael Lee, Patrick Mahony, Joe O’Mahony, Batt Coleman, 
crouched infront unknown – possible inland fisheries representive.
Note battery held by Batt Coleman used to stun the fish and the milk churn at his feet where the fish were put.




